Savitri Vidyasala Hindu Girls Higher Secondary School was founded in Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu in the year 1938. At that time, the educational system was highly westernised and alien to our way of life. There was a great need for education in the background of the Hindu culture. Our founder Padmabhushan Sri N. Ramaswami Ayyar, who was a successful criminal law practitioner, hails from a modest and orthodox Hindu family. He worked incessantly for nearly four decades until his demise in 1976. His work has been ably carried on by his son, Sri R. Panchapakesan, the present secretary.
Today, the school is among the largest in Tamil Nadu and sits the maximum number of students for both the X and XII standard examinations. The school managed by by Sri R. Panchapakesan and aided by the Government of Tamil Nadu tops in both curricular and extracurricular activities.
The school is situated in the heart of Tiruchirapalli and is easily accessible by train or bus. It is located on the banks of the river Cauvery facing the famous Rockfort temple. It is located at a distance of about 6 kms from the city junction.
The school sits on a campus that houses another school, a women's college, a women's Polytechnic and an advanced computer centre. The educational complex as a whole provides opportunities for education at various levels from kindergarten to doctorate. The temples, prayer halls, the abundant trees, playgrounds, multi-storeyed hostel buildings and the classrooms together provide a conducive atmosphere for learning.